Before we get ahead of ourselves, please note that the hotel lottery date has been changed to WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9th at 7pm ET (was previously announced as October 2nd). This change was made to accommodate those observing Rosh Hashanah--we apologize for the oversight and inconvenience!

You still must purchase your badge by September 25th at 11:59PM ET in order to be eligible for the early-bird hotel lottery. Anyway, on with the show! 



Pre-registration for Super MAGFest 2025 is NOW OPEN! Head over to the Super MAGFest website to purchase your badge now!

Here are the deets:

  • Single attendee badges are $125 (price increases on November 1st)

  • You must purchase your badge by Wednesday, September 25th at 11:59PM ET to be eligible for early-bird hotel booking (hotel booking info below)

  • Hotel Lottery will take place on October 9th at 7PM ET

  • Hotel pricing is now available via the Pricing Sheet on our Hotel Info Page

  • Additional information is available on our FAQ

⭐️ Become a MAGFest Superstar! ⭐️


We're bringing back our “fan favorite” superfluous program for those of you who'd like to go beyond the normal avenues of support, and donate to MAGFest directly: MAGFest Superstars!

As many of you know, MAGFest, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and two years ago we started a program for those of you who’d like to donate directly to the org. We were absolutely humbled by the positive response we received, and so we’re bringing back the program for those of you who love MAGFest (and want that sweet, sweet tax deduction).

So, when you're picking up your badge, make sure to explore our "Superstar Donation" section if you're interested in going above and beyond to support our organization. Click here to check out the "exciting" (read: pointless but fun) perks that await you, such as having your beloved pet showcased on our MAG Jumbotron. Whether you choose to donate or not, we sincerely appreciate your consideration. 💙

Don't forget your merch!

As you may have seen in our last announcement, our coveted merch packs are finally revealed! As always, this merch is ONLY available via pre-order, and will NOT be available to purchase at-event. We recommend pre-ordering early, as we have historically sold out in the past. (Despite us adding more packs every year!)

For full details on each of the merch packs, head over to our registration page. It's easily the coolest merch collection we've ever put together. And yes, that is a chilidog air freshener. And it smells like a chilidog. Why? Because we're unhinged and cannot be stopped.


DID YOU KNOW... there's even a super secret CRAZY tier of merch, available by invite only. And the only way to score that invite is to pre-order the Maniac Tier merch... 👀 You're going to want to act fast, though! Historically, the highest tier of merch sells out very quickly. Head over to our registration page to get more details!

BurgQuest is THIS WEEK!

BurgQuest takes place September 20th through 22nd, at Woodlands Hotel & Suites in Williamsburg, VA! BurgQuest is a brand new event celebrating all things tabletop gaming, and MAGFest will be there with our robust tabletop game library! The event features three days of board game and RPG free play, panels, guests, game demos, field trips, game design workshops, and more. Check out the event website and registration below: